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Unlock Your Path to Success: The Ultimate 28-Week UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Unlock Your Path to Success: The Ultimate 28-Week UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

28-week timetable focusing on Papers 1 and 2, along with the necessary revisions and practice sessions.Here’s a 28-week timetable for UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 preparation with 6 hours of everyday study. The topics are divided based on the subjects typically covered in the UPSC Prelims syllabus.

Are you aspiring to become an esteemed civil servant and pave the way for a brighter future? The journey towards cracking the UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 exam might seem daunting, but fear not! Anupma Chandra Ex Civil Services Officer has meticulously crafted the perfect 28-week timetable that will serve as your roadmap to triumph. Get ready to embark on a transformative learning experience, where each day is strategically designed to cover all crucial topics with six hours of focused study.  Take charge of your dreams, embrace discipline, and let this comprehensive plan steer you towards the pinnacle of success! Unleash your true potential, because the path to UPSC glory awaits you!

क्या आप एक प्रतिष्ठित सिविल सेवक बनने और उज्जवल भविष्य का मार्ग प्रशस्त करने के इच्छुक हैं? यूपीएससी आईएएस प्रीलिम्स 2024 परीक्षा को क्रैक करने की यात्रा कठिन लग सकती है, लेकिन डरें नहीं! हमने सावधानीपूर्वक 28-सप्ताह की सही समय सारिणी तैयार की है जो आपकी जीत के रोडमैप के रूप में काम करेगी। एक परिवर्तनकारी शिक्षण अनुभव शुरू करने के लिए तैयार हो जाइए, जहां प्रत्येक दिन को छह घंटे के केंद्रित अध्ययन के साथ सभी महत्वपूर्ण विषयों को कवर करने के लिए रणनीतिक रूप से डिज़ाइन किया गया है I अपने सपनों की जिम्मेदारी लें, अनुशासन अपनाएं और इस व्यापक योजना को आपको सफलता के शिखर तक ले जाने दें! अपनी वास्तविक क्षमता को उजागर करें, क्योंकि यूपीएससी गौरव का मार्ग आपका इंतजार कर रहा है!”

UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Week 1:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Indian History: Ancient and Medieval India
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Indian History: Modern India (1857-1947)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Indian National Movement
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Polity: Constitution of India
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Polity: Fundamental Rights & Duties
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Polity: Directive Principles
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 1 Topics

Week 2:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: Indian Physical Geography
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: Indian Economic Geography
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: Indian Social Geography
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: World Geography
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Environment and Ecology
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 General Science: Physics & Chemistry
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 2 Topics

Week 3:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 General Science: Biology
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: National Issues
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: International Issues
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: Economic Issues
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: Science & Technology
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: Environment & Ecology
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 3 Topics

Week 4:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Parliament & State Legislatures
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Union and State Executive
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Judiciary
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Federalism and Center-State Relations
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Important Commissions and Bodies
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Social Justice and Rights
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 4 Topics

Week 5:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Development and Welfare Policies
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Important Government Schemes
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 International Relations
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Indian History: Ancient and Medieval India (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Indian History: Modern India (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Indian National Movement (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 5 Topics

Week 6: UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Polity: Constitution of India (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Polity: Fundamental Rights & Duties (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Polity: Directive Principles (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: Indian Physical Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: Indian Economic Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: Indian Social Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 6 Topics

Week 7:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Geography: World Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Environment and Ecology (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 General Science: Physics & Chemistry (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 General Science: Biology (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: National Issues (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: International Issues (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 7 Topics

Week 8:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: Economic Issues (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: Science & Technology (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Current Affairs: Environment & Ecology (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Parliament & State Legislatures (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Union and State Executive (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Judiciary (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 8 Topics

Week 9:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 2 Indian Polity: Federalism and Center-State Relations (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Important Commissions and Bodies (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Social Justice and Rights (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Development and Welfare Policies (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Governance: Important Government Schemes (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 International Relations (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 9 Topics

Week 10:UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 3 Indian Economy: Basic Concepts and Planning (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 3 Indian Economy: Agriculture and Rural Development (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 3 Indian Economy: Industry and Infrastructure (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 3 Indian Economy: Banking and Finance (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 3 Indian Economy: Government Schemes and Initiatives (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 3 Science and Technology (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 10 Topics

Week 11:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 3 Environment and Ecology (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 3 Disaster Management (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 3 Internal Security (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 4 Ethics and Human Interface (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 4 Attitude (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 4 Aptitude and Foundational Values (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 11 Topics

Week 12:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 CSAT (Paper 2) Comprehension (Practice Questions)
Day 2 CSAT (Paper 2) Interpersonal Skills including Communication Skills (Practice Questions)
Day 3 CSAT (Paper 2) Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability (Practice Questions)
Day 4 CSAT (Paper 2) Decision Making and Problem Solving (Practice Questions)
Day 5 CSAT (Paper 2) General Mental Ability (Practice Questions)
Day 6 CSAT (Paper 2) Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 12 Topics


Week 13:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian History
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Polity
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Geography
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Environment and Ecology
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of General Science
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Polity
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 13 Topics

Week 14: UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Governance and International Relations
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Economy
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Comprehension and Interpersonal Skills
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Decision Making and Problem Solving
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: General Mental Ability
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 14 Topics

Week 15:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Previous Years’ Question Papers
Day 3 Mock Test Full-Length Mock Test 1
Day 4 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 1 Results
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Ancient and Medieval India (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Modern India (Practice Questions)
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 15 Topics

Week 16:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Indian National Movement (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Polity and Constitution (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Geography of India and the World (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Environment and Ecology (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 Governance and Social Justice (Practice Questions)
Day 7 General Studies Paper 2 International Relations (Practice Questions)
Day 8 Revision Revision of Week 16 Topics

Week 17:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Comprehension and Interpersonal Skills (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Decision Making and Problem Solving (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: General Mental Ability (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Previous Years’ Question Papers
Day 7 Mock Test Full-Length Mock Test 2
Day 8 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 2 Results

Week 18:UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Ancient and Medieval India
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Modern India
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian National Movement
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Polity
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Economy
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Geography
Day 7 Revision Revision of Week 18 Topics

Week 19:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Environment and Ecology
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of General Science
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Governance and International Relations
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Polity
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Economy
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of CSAT
Day 7 Mock Test Full-Length Mock Test 3
Day 8 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 3 Results

Week 20:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Ancient and Medieval India (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Modern India (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian National Movement (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 7 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Environment and Ecology (Practice Questions)

Week 21:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of General Science (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Governance and International Relations (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of CSAT (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Full-Length Mock Test 4
Day 7 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 4 Results

Week 22:UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Ancient and Medieval India (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Modern India (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian National Movement (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 7 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Environment and Ecology (Practice Questions)

Week 23:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of General Science (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Governance and International Relations (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of CSAT (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Full-Length Mock Test 5
Day 7 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 5 Results

Week 24:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Ancient and Medieval India (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Modern India (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian National Movement (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 7 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Environment and Ecology (Practice Questions)

Week 25:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of General Science (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Governance and International Relations (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of CSAT (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Full-Length Mock Test 6
Day 7 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 6 Results

Week 26:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Ancient and Medieval India (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Modern India (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian National Movement (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Geography (Practice Questions)
Day 7 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of Environment and Ecology (Practice Questions)

Week 27:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 General Studies Paper 1 Revision of General Science (Practice Questions)
Day 2 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Governance and International Relations (Practice Questions)
Day 3 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Polity (Practice Questions)
Day 4 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of Indian Economy (Practice Questions)
Day 5 General Studies Paper 2 Revision of CSAT (Practice Questions)
Day 6 General Studies Paper 2 CSAT: Full-Length Mock Test 7
Day 7 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 7 Results

Week 28:

Day Subject Topics
Day 1 Revision Final Revision of All Subjects and Topics
Day 2 Mock Test Full-Length Mock Test 8
Day 3 Analysis Analyze Mock Test 8 Results
Day 4 Relaxation and Leisure Time
Day 5 Relaxation and Leisure Time
Day 6 Final Revisions and Practice
Day 7 Final Revisions and Practice

Remember, this is a suggested 28-week timetable, and you can adjust it based on your preferences and progress. Make sure to include regular revisions, mock tests, and practice questions to gauge your preparation level and improve your performance. UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 Timetable

Best of luck with your UPSC IAS Prelims 2024 preparation!






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